Plant Card Oracle
Plant Card Readings, Consultation
This will include but is not inclusive of
Assessing where you are at right now with your health mentally & physically taking the whole into consideration.
With an intuitive approach seeking respectfully the greater knowledge of Mother Earths trees & plants, to enhance healing, bringing a peace of balance at a pace each individual can hold.
Like asking any Orical, The Plant Cards can reveal what is of most benefit for the individual to hear at the time, giving insight to what is underlying, I often do a spread which will include the information our ancestors are wanting us to hear, bringing healing for that which has come before and future, for Ourselves and radiating out into this earth and beyond.
During the reading like any other the more you share the deeper your & my understanding will be of what is going on for you, I will recommend any health benefits & remedies which will enhance you’re well being.
Consult & Reading
1hour Reading only
1hour Reading and 3 remedies
Book Your Session
Contact me to book a convenient time for your appointment. You can contact me using the contact form.